
时间:2024-09-07 作者:日出网




我的新学期计划英语 篇1


this year,i want to get good result , i want to excerise more time,the important thingis iwant to bethin.my parents are older and older,so i want to do some chores for them,and my friends are sad,because her parents get angry,so she is alone,i donot want she became sad,i want to play with her as macha spossible.last year,i like play the computer games,this year i want to go out of home more.i telllyouasecrtmyeyeisMyopia.


我的新学期计划英语 篇2

The happy winter vacation has ended and the new semester has come. In the last semester, although I made progress in my study, I still have to continue to work hard and can"t be complacent. With the arrival of the new semester, I will make persistent efforts, develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, and strive for greater progress! I will strive to achieve the following:

1. The habit of studying carefully

Pay attention to listening carefully in class and completing homework after class, while ignoring pre class preview. There is no preview at all. The main reason is not because there is no time, but because there is no understanding of the importance of due preview.

2. The habit of listening attentively

If there is no determination to "master in class" before class, it will directly affect the effect of listening. Before each class, you can consciously ask yourself to "master in class", then the efficiency of class will be greatly improved.

3. The habit of reviewing in time

The advantage of timely review is that it can deepen and consolidate the understanding of the learning content and prevent the rapid forgetting that usually occurs after learning. According to the forgetting curve, the forgetting speed is the fastest in the next two or three days, and then gradually slows down. Therefore, the newly learned knowledge should be reviewed in time. With the improvement of memory consolidation, the number of reviews can be gradually reduced and the interval can be gradually lengthened. We should "strike while the iron is hot" in time, and learn as soon as we have learned. Avoid going to review long after study. In this way, the knowledge learned will be forgotten, which is equivalent to relearning.

4. Habit of completing homework independently

Make it clear that homework is to check the learning effect in time. After preview, class and after-school review, whether the knowledge is understood, remembered, to what extent, whether the knowledge can be applied and how strong the application ability is. These learning effect problems are inaccurate only by self feeling. Whether you really understand or not, remember or not, whether you will apply it or not, you can get timely inspection through the application of knowledge when doing your homework. Doing homework can deepen the understanding and memory of knowledge.
