
时间:2024-05-12 作者:日出网



“One you, one heart, this is love.”栏目小编经过深入调研和整理整理出了经典唯美爱情语录英文短句的相关内容。风吹过湖面水波荡漾优美的句子也如涟漪般拂过心弦,优美的句子是一种美的追求一种心灵的跃动一种对于生命的珍视。读起来让人非常的享受。这些句子是关于最新研究成果的您可以将它们添加到您的书签!


1、as long as you are willing, please let me know what i can do for you when you are unhappy and want to cry on somebody’s shoulder, i will stand before you immediately只要你愿意,当你失落失意的时候,最需要一个肩膀的时候,告诉 , 会立即出现

2、Because there is still love, so do not give up easily.

3、Understand the heart, lose the only mistake.

4、If you dont love me, I will protect you all my life.

5、In fact, I tried, but you didnt care.

6、Why do you always have to reason with me when you can solve something with an embrace.

7、But you are the most beautiful scenery, all beautiful like you.

8、I love you and want to give you up? Next life!

9、Meeting you is fates arrangement, and falling in love with you is beyond my control.

10、爱别人,也被别人爱,这就是一切,这就是宇宙的法则。为了爱,我们才存在。Love others, also loved by others, that is all, this is the law of the universe。 In order to love, we did not exist。

11、Ill love you as long as I live。 爱你一辈子

12、I remember all the patterns on your clothes.

13、I cant give you the whole world, but my world is all for you.

14、Only love can solve the mystery of immortality.

15、I am not greedy, only a small wish: life will always have you!

16、学会用理解的,欣赏的眼光去看对方,而不是以自以为是的关心去管对方。Learn to understand and appreciate the vision to see each other, not in order to opinionated care to pipe each other。

17、爱情的悲剧大多来缘于最初的错觉。Most of the love tragedy to result from the initial illusion。


18、How outstanding it is to have someone hurt.

19、Must be happy, not why only to treat yourself well.

20、我怎么知道我怎么出生的?我不知道,我那个时候还很小。How do I know how I was born? I don't know, I was very young at that time。

21、You are the best. If someone is better than you, I will pretend not to see it.

22、友情其实和爱情一样,很多的时候,距离才可以让彼此懂得。Friendship and love, actually a lot of time, distance can let each other know how。

23、Sigh now, recalling the past, tears hesitation.

24、有时候希望灵魂能够像一朵烟花,能够明亮温暖地在夜空中停留一刻再坠落。Sometimes want to souls can like fireworks, able to stay in the night sky bright warm moment to fall again。

25、All kinds of topics can never be finished.

26、People don’t tell you who you are。 You tell them。 Stay and fight。 I’ll fight with you。人们不记得你是谁,你就要告诉他们。我会留下来和你一起战斗。

27、Choose a person to accompany the end of life, with a person never leave.

28、Lets gradually become suitable for each other, hand in hand through our spring, summer, autumn and winter.

29、It is absolutely true that love makes all men eloquent.

30、I can give up anything in the world except you.

31、One you, one heart, this is love.

32、Love veteran, usually will not easily fall in love with the result!

33、People who are willing to stay and quarrel with you are the ones who really love you!

34、I miss you, and I’ve been missing you for a while。我很想你,想你很久了。
